Legal Investigative Services

Our confidential, private investigations use fact finding, surveillance, research, human relations and forensic procedures to pursue the truth. With these facts an attorney can intelligently proceed in the best interests of his or her client. Evidence that is gathered can be used in court, mediation, or negotiations.

Brooks Walker

Legal Investigator


Attorney Services

Our legal investigators are prepared to provide legal support to handle any matter.

Tracking Down Witnesses

We can locate witnesses to obtain statements, take a recorded statement, interview a person or obtaining a written statement for a lawsuit or insurance claim.

Undertaking Computer Forensics

We locate, recover, reconstruct any and all relevant information, including deleted files or traces that may exist on a computer or digital storage device using a number of methods and investigative tools.

Doing Surveillance

Video is the most compelling evidentiary elements that a professional investigator can produce. Our true expertise in conducting surveillance will reduce the risk of detection increasing the odds of creating a successful surveillance outcome.

Asset Searches

We gather information about tangible assets and collectible assets, conduct research for divorce asset searches, and carry out asset searches for executive hires, vendors and contractors.

Identifying Spoliation Of Evidence

We can find evidence of intentional or negligent withholding, hiding, alteration or destruction of evidence relevant to a legal proceeding.

Conducting Interviews & Interrogation

Our trained interviewers have knowledge of the psychology of interviewing, have learned practical techniques to draw on in interviews, and have had the opportunity for substantial practice.

Experienced Legal Private Investigations

Dedicated to gathering the information for your claims as well as the evidence to support your case.

CALL US 423-225-9094